
How Do I Increase The Stack Amount In Storage Rimworlds



Adds several new features to stockpile filters for added control over what to store, how much to store, and when to fill a stockpile.

Created for use with Diverseness Matters, you tin at present create a stockpile near your cook that will hold small stacks of different ingredients, increasing the diversity of ingredients used in meals.

For vanilla uses, you tin create a food shelf in your dining room that won't refill until the shelves are empty, saving hauling time and helping meals go eaten before they rot; or requite your pawns' closets with only 1 of each type of article of clothing.

Modern Features

Limit Indistinguishable Stacks: Limit the number of stacks of the same item that can be stored in a stockpile. For example, with a duplicate limit of 2, pawns will never shop more than 2 stacks of corn, no matter how large the stockpile.

Stackable items are dupilcates if stackable. Items with a stack limit of ane are duplicates if they have the aforementioned def proper name.

Limit Stack Size:: Set a limit to reduce stack sizes.The limit will only reduce stack sizes, not increase them.

Limit Refilling: Prepare a limit for how empty a stockpile must be before pawns will start refilling. Move the slider all the way to the right for vanilla behavior. Move it to the left and pawns volition stop refilling any stacks until a certain number of cells are empty. Once pawns start refilling, they will keep filling the stockpile until all cells have a storable particular.

Stockpiles volition automatically kickoff filling when created or enlarged. There is a toggle to outset/stop refilling that appears when advisable. If you toggle off a completely empty stockpile, it will disable the stockpile until manually restarted.

Compatibility / Modernistic Interaction

Based on limited testing:

LWM Deep Storage:
Duplicate Limit: All stacks in the same prison cell are treated as ane. A 2-cell edifice that holds 8 total stacks (iv per prison cell) with a duplicate limit of 1 will hold up to iv stacks of the same item in one cell.

Stack Size Limit: All stacks in the aforementioned prison cell count toward the limit. A 2-cell building that holds viii full stacks with a stack size limit of 100 can concord up to 200 of the same item (100 per cell).

Refill Limit: Recommended to keep slider all the manner to the correct (always make full). Otherwise, pawns volition stop filling as soon as all cells take at least one stack. Other problems may also occur if the slider is moved to the left.

Ogre Stack: Appears to piece of work fine.

RSA/Satisfied Storage (e.g. Storage Hysteresis): I had no errors in testing. However, when combined with the stack limit characteristic, the hysteresis refill pct is based on the default stack size, not the modified stack size.

Jobs of Opportunity: Appears to work fine.

Pick Upward and Booty: The indistinguishable/refill features are compatible. The stack size feature is not. Unless you enjoy torturing pawns, in which case you can prepare a stack size limit and watch them run around trying to simultaneously fill stacks to vanilla defaults and removing excess from overfilled stacks.

Stockpile Ranking: Stack limit and refill features are compatible. Setting a duplicate limit is partially compatible. If there are unstored items in a higher rank, the stockpile will not look for lower rank items.

Stockpile Stack Limit: Not compatible (characteristic was incorporated with modification).

Other Storage Mods: Not tested.

Known Problems:

On rare occasions, pawns may over-fill a size-limited stack, requiring a second-job to remove the excess (bold there is some other stockpile bachelor). This is acquired by the change to stack size limited that allows pawns to carry multiple stacks. There is a setting "Avoid overfill" to correct this consequence, but it will disable the ability of pawns to carry multiple stacks to size-limited stockpiles, resulting in a net loss of hauling efficiency.


This modern borrows heavily from the Storage Stack Limit and Storage Hysteresis mods.
Sellophane's Remade and Updated Stockpile Stack Limit
Darksider's Version
Original Stack Limit
RimWorld Search Agency
Satisfied Storage Original Storage Hysteresis

How Do I Increase The Stack Amount In Storage Rimworlds,


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