
How To Increase Progesterone By Yoga

Progesterone, forth with estrogen, is one of the two major female sexual practice hormones. Because it plays an important role in pregnancy, catamenia, and overall health and well-being, you tin encounter problems when progesterone levels are as well low.

Progesterone increasing chart

If y'all suspect you may exist experiencing depression progesterone, there are some easy ways to raise your levels naturally. In this mail service, we volition expect at three major categories: diet, supplements, and lifestyle tips and explore how each can help keep your progesterone levels in cheque.

Agreement the Role of Progesterone

Y'all can learn a lot well-nigh the role of progesterone from looking at the etymology of the word itself: the prefix "pro-" means to promote, and the rest of the word, "-gesterone," refers to gestation, a.k.a. pregnancy. In other words, progesterone is a reproductive hormone that's necessary to promote a healthy pregnancy.

Even so, progesterone is produced past the corpus luteum (the transformed follicle that releases an egg during ovulation) whether you become pregnant during your menstrual wheel or not. If y'all do get meaning, progesterone will rise to thicken the uterine lining, which provides nutrients to the developing fetus.

Because progesterone is then of import in pregnancy, experts believe that depression progesterone levels may contribute to recurrent miscarriages in some women. Accordingly, progesterone therapy has been found to take a significant benefit in helping women with recurrent miscarriages get and stay significant.

If you do not become significant during your cycle, progesterone still peaks, but it declines toward the end of your cycle to signal to your body that it is approaching menstruation. If you have anovulatory cycles where you practise not ovulate, yous may not experience this peak and decline in progesterone and may fail to have a menstrual menstruation as a result. Tracking your urine hormone concentrations with a digital fertility tracker like Mira tin help you decide if your progesterone levels are rising and falling equally they should.

Birth control pills work to produce a similar result. They incorporate synthetic forms of progesterone and estrogen, or sometimes progesterone only, to keep hormones at a steady level throughout your cycle. This prevents you from ovulating and having a true menstrual period — a "period" on hormonal birth command is actually known as withdrawal haemorrhage, and is not considered a "true catamenia" — so y'all cannot get significant.

In improver to playing a office in reproduction, progesterone besides contributes to many medical conditions. Progesterone pills are used to care for reproductive health weather condition like endometriosis and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). The hormone may as well contribute to other medical conditions not involving the reproductive system, including the growth of some cancers and migraine headaches.

How to Increase Progesterone

For women who are not pregnant, normal serum progesterone levels can range from i to 20 ng/mL, depending on where they are in their menstrual bike. In the first trimester, a pregnant woman's serum progesterone levels can become every bit loftier equally 90 ng/mL. If your progesterone levels are low, you might be experiencing uncomfortable symptoms, such as:

  • Low sex bulldoze
  • Hot flashes
  • Migraine headaches
  • Mood changes
  • Anxiety
  • Irregular or absent periods

You might also exist experiencing fertility issues, such as difficulty conceiving or multiple miscarriages.

If y'all are experiencing any of these issues, you may be desperate for a solution. Luckily, when it comes to raising your progesterone levels, taking synthetic hormones may be supported with natural options. You may be able to increase your progesterone naturally at home using diet, supplements, and lifestyle changes.

Progesterone Nutrition & Foods

Equally the cliched saying goes, "yous are what y'all eat." What you lot consume affects your whole body, including your fertility hormones. If you lot're struggling with low progesterone, you can use this principle to your advantage by tweaking your diet to try to heighten your progesterone levels naturally. Here are some foods to increase progesterone if you're looking for a heave in product.

Healthy Fats

Sex hormones like progesterone are fabricated from poly peptide, fat, and cholesterol. When the body doesn't derive enough of these nutrients from its nutrition, hormone product can suffer. For this reason, women eating a low-fatty, low-cholesterol diet may suffer from symptoms of low estrogen or progesterone.

Your torso needs a steady supply of healthy fats in gild to optimize hormone production. So, what types of fats are considered "healthy?" In general, fats that can be found in natural foods are good for yous, while those found only in manufactured, candy foods are harmful to your health. Namely, you should avoid trans fats, constitute in hydrogenated and partially-hydrogenated oils, which are manmade and contribute to a number of health issues.

Brand certain you are eating enough saturated and unsaturated fats, including monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. You can find these fats in a number of whole foods. Saturated fats are primarily constitute in animal products like butter, cheese, and meat, only they are also found in coconut oil. Unsaturated fats, including monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, can be found in fatty fish (such as salmon), nuts, vegetable oils (like olive and avocado), and flaxseed. Effort to get about of your fats from unsaturated fats and limit saturated fat to 10% or less of your daily calories.

Incorporate some of these healthy fats into your diet to boost progesterone production naturally!


Some of the best foods you can eat when trying to raise your progesterone levels are nuts and seeds. As we mentioned previously, nuts and seeds are rich in unsaturated fats, which are essential nutrients for sex hormone product. Nonetheless, nuts and seeds have other benefits on progesterone production, too.

Many nuts and seeds are besides rich in zinc, a mineral that helps tell the pituitary gland to regulate the production of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) during the first half of your menstrual bicycle. FSH triggers the growth of a follicle containing an egg in preparation for ovulation. Later on, once the egg is released, the follicle transforms into the corpus luteum, which produces progesterone. Foods rich in zinc tin can promote healthy progesterone levels by keeping this procedure on track.

In addition to zinc, the majority of nuts and seeds contain magnesium, another essential nutrient for regulating the menstrual cycle. Magnesium helps regulate the pituitary gland, which not simply produces FSH but also produces luteinizing hormone (LH). LH surges around ovulation and if you exercise not ovulate, this process will not occur. Without ovulation, progesterone levels volition remain low due to the lack of a corpus luteum.

Thus, eating foods rich in magnesium, like nuts and seeds, can boost your progesterone levels by keeping ovulation on rails. Try almonds, cashews, walnuts, sunflower seeds, and pepitas to enhance progesterone naturally.


Believe it or not, chocolate — especially nighttime chocolate containing at least 70% cacao — can exist part of an overall healthy diet! Eaten in moderate amounts, dark chocolate may fifty-fifty meliorate your hormone health.

Nighttime chocolate is a rich source of magnesium — which, as nosotros now know, plays an important function in regulating ovulation and triggering progesterone production. In fact, it's been theorized that the high magnesium content of chocolate explains why and so many women crave information technology before their menstrual periods!

The magnesium content of chocolate comes from the raw cacao that it is made from and the darker the chocolate (i.e. the greater the percentage of cacao), the more magnesium it contains. Look for 70% night chocolate or college to maximize the nutritional value of this sweet treat!


Amino acids, the building blocks of poly peptide, are used to synthesize hormones like progesterone within the body. The body needs amino acids to function, only it cannot make them by itself. In other words, you must swallow the nine essential amino acids through your nutrition to maintain your hormone health and overall well-being.

A consummate protein is one that contains all nine of the essential amino acids. While there are some found-based proteins that are considered "consummate," most of them are creature proteins, similar meat and poultry. One of the nine essential amino acids that is especially important to progesterone production is Fifty-arginine, which increases claret circulation and so your ovaries can function optimally throughout your wheel.

When it comes to animal protein and progesterone foods, chicken is a consummate protein and the "white meat" institute in the chicken chest — is a corking selection because information technology is both lean and versatile. Think of all the healthy dishes you lot can cook using chicken!


If y'all are looking for a plant-based protein source, oats are a strong choice for hormone health. Boasting about 11g of poly peptide per 100g, oats are higher in protein than many other grains. Not to mention, oats contain all nine of the essential amino acids the body needs to function optimally — and synthesize important hormones.

Technically, oats are not considered a "consummate" protein because they contain but small amounts of certain amino acids, peculiarly lysine. However, you tin make oats into a consummate poly peptide by calculation other incomplete proteins to your repast, especially those containing lysine. For case, y'all might sprinkle seeds or drizzle nut butter on top of your oats.

Herbals & Supplements

If you are struggling with low progesterone, sure herbs and supplements may assistance rebalance your hormones. While you tin can usually get all the nutrients yous need from a whole foods diet — you may occasionally need a boost when seeking to balance your progesterone levels naturally.


Chasteberry, or Vitex, is an herbal supplement that has been used for centuries to care for hormonal wellness conditions. It tin can be used to relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) every bit well as to rebalance progesterone levels.

It's believed that taking chasteberry supplements could increase progesterone levels by regulating the pituitary gland. Evidence to back up this do is limited, merely since chasteberry is usually well-tolerated by women with modest (if any) side furnishings, there'due south probably no harm in trying it for yourself.


As we mentioned previously, zinc plays an of import office in regulating progesterone levels by interacting with the pituitary gland to trigger the production of FSH. This keeps ovulation regular, ensuring that the corpus luteum forms and produces progesterone during the second one-half of the menstrual cycle.

Yous tin get zinc from food sources like nuts and seeds, but as well from mineral supplements. Avoid consuming more than 40 mg of zinc per day from food and supplements combined. You should also avert intranasal zinc supplements, which have been linked to loss of smell.


Similar zinc, magnesium helps regulate the pituitary gland to keep ovulation — and progesterone levels — on track. You tin get magnesium from food sources similar basics and chocolate, simply also from mineral supplements.

The maximum upper intake level of magnesium that you should consume per twenty-four hour period from supplements is 350 mg, though magnesium toxicity is non a business for most healthy people. Still, it is possible to get likewise much magnesium from taking supplements, so use them with caution.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6, or pyridoxine, may be a valuable supplement for women looking to enhance their progesterone naturally. Studies show that taking 200-800 mg of vitamin B6 per day may increase progesterone levels and adjourn symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

Women ages 19 to 50 need at to the lowest degree 1.3 mg of vitamin B6 per day. Because B vitamins are water-soluble, yous tin can safely take high doses of vitamin B6 without worrying well-nigh overdose. Any excess B6 will be expelled from the trunk through the urine.

Vitamin C

Similar vitamin B6, vitamin C supplements can assistance heighten your progesterone levels naturally. According to i study, women who took 750 mg of vitamin C per day saw an increase of 77% in their serum progesterone levels. The average daily recommended corporeality of vitamin C is 75 mg, so brand sure yous are getting at least that much.

Use circumspection when taking vitamin C supplements, as it is possible to overdose on them. For adults, the tolerable upper limit of vitamin C is 2,000 mg per mean solar day from nutrient and supplements combined.

Lifestyle & Exercise

When it comes to raising your progesterone levels, what yous put into your body matters — just so does the way you treat your body. From maintaining a healthy weight to limiting your caffeine intake, here are some attainable lifestyle changes you lot can make to bring your hormones back into balance naturally.

Maintain a Salubrious Weight

Estrogen authorization, which tin can outcome when progesterone is lower relative to estrogen, is a common event of weight gain in women. Progesterone levels have a "chicken and egg" effect on your weight: healthy progesterone levels can opposite weight proceeds by having a diuretic effect, but in overweight individuals, weight loss can also help bring hormones back into balance. Keeping your BMI in a healthy range past eating healthfully and exercising accordingly is an overall proficient idea for your hormone health and fertility (more on how to contrary estrogen authorization naturally here).

Don't Overdo Information technology with Do

Over-exercising can lead to hypothalamic amenorrhea, or the lack of a menstrual period. When a woman has hypothalamic amenorrhea, she does not ovulate normally. As a result, she does not class a corpus luteum, which would produce progesterone during the second one-half of her menstrual cycle. This tin can pb to low progesterone levels.

Exercise is important for your overall health, but it is also important not to overdo it. While you should maintain a regular practise routine, you should also be careful not to push yourself beyond your limits — and make sure to take plenty of rest days!

Limit Stress

When our stress hormone, cortisol, spikes, it blocks progesterone receptors, limiting the activity of progesterone. Even if y'all have enough progesterone in your torso, you might experience symptoms of low progesterone when stressed due to this physiological response.

While you cannot escape everything that stresses you out, y'all tin can find proactive means to manage your stress. Prioritizing your daily to-practise list (and making fourth dimension for self-intendance) can aid you find balance in your everyday life. Mindfulness techniques like meditation or yoga tin can besides be helpful for managing your stress.

Reduce Caffeine

If yous're a fan of caffeine, it might be fourth dimension to cut back. Women who drink more four cups of coffee per 24-hour interval may encounter a negative consequence on their hormone balance. While you lot definitely don't need to cut out caffeine altogether, too much can create estrogen dominance, leading to low progesterone levels by comparison.

Experts say that salubrious adults can safely eat upwards to 400 mg of caffeine per mean solar day — about the corporeality of caffeine found in four cups of brewed java. For women who are trying to become pregnant, it is preferable to limit caffeine intake to no more 200 mg daily. As long equally you stay within these limits, you should not see negative effects on your hormone balance.

Sentry Your Claret Carbohydrate

When your blood sugar is high, the trunk will produce more insulin to help bring glucose back into balance. Some women may exist insulin resistant, meaning that fifty-fifty when their torso pumps out insulin, they are not sensitive to its effects. As a consequence, the trunk continues to overproduce insulin, leading to weight gain.

High insulin levels cause the body to make more cortisol — which, as we mentioned previously, can deplete progesterone reserves. In other words, information technology's important to continue your claret sugar in balance when you have low progesterone. To manage your claret carbohydrate levels, eat at regular times, don't skip meals, and drinkable h2o instead of juice and soda.

Where to Start

If you doubtable you have low progesterone levels, it's important to confirm the diagnosis by getting an accurate measure of your serum progesterone. Your chief care physician or OB/GYN can read your serum progesterone levels with a uncomplicated claret test — and make sure they fall within a healthy range (more than on PdG tests here) .

You lot tin can too watch your progesterone levels at domicile using a digital hormone tracker like Mira. Mira measures hormones like progesterone, FSH, and LH in your urine to assistance y'all identify hormone imbalances and pinpoint your menstrual cycle with greater accuracy.

How to Track Your Progesterone Levels

With the Mira fertility tracker, measuring your hormone levels is easy and intuitive. Mira uses test wands (similar to a dwelling house pregnancy test) to measure hormone concentrations in your urine. After inserting the wand into Mira, it reads your results and sends them to the Mira app, which graphs your exact hormone curve to give y'all insight into your menstrual cycle. You can utilize these results to determine if your progesterone levels are as well depression, as well high, or just right. To get the Mira digital fertility tracker, click hither.


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